Contaminated Sites
Pollution Prevention
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Contaminated Site Work

There are estimated to be upwards of 25,000 sites in Canada impacted by the historic release or spills of chemicals into the environment. Gandalf will provide services to include the evaluation of contaminated sites, planning and implementation of remedial strategies for contaminated sites, and regulatory liaison to insure compliance with existing acts and regulations.

Often described as Stage I and Stage II (Phase I and Phase 2) Preliminary Site Investigations (Environmental Assessments), these investigations can be triggered by the sale of a property, the decommissioning of a site, or for re-zoning applications. Gandalf can expedite the process by arranging for rapid field investigations and negotiations with government agencies.

Under the Roster System, Mr. Bob Symington of Gandalf is allowed to make recommendations to the Director for the issuance of regulatory instruments including Certificates of Compliance.

Should Remedial Measures be required, Gandalf is ready undertake the development and implementation of remedial plans.  Remedial measures can include insitu destruction of contaminants and "dig and dump strategies.

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Last modified: January 02, 2006