REMEDIATIONINSITU CHEMICAL DESTRUCTION Several sites, where releases of formaldehyde solutions into the subsurface have occurred, have been successfully remediated in-situ utilizing a hydrogen peroxide solution. Hydrogen peroxide is a strong oxidizer and results in the rapid oxidation of the formaldehyde to formic acid which has a natural uptake in the environment. The success of the application will be partly dependent of the appropriate ratios of hydrogen peroxide application given that other components in the groundwater may act as oxygen sinks and interfere with the process. Known oxygen sinks at the site are dissolved iron and manganese. Gandalf has prepared and implemented such a program at a clients site where formalin has been used in their industrial process. DIG AND DUMP Excavation and disposal of contaminated soils can be the quickest solution where rapid remedation is required. The excavation of soils is followed by a confirmation of remediation report which includes the sampling and analysis of soils and groundwater samples. Gandalf has provided planning and environmental monitoring at large and small scale sites. |
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